Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Royal Chitralada Project

Today we visited the King’s Royal Chitralada Project, which is a series of agricultural facilities concentrating on the research and development of the best projects. This project includes a wide range of concentrations, including the following:

Paper Making – Paper is created from the leaves a tree that grows on the palace grounds. Then, special paper flowers, menu covers, doll clothes, and more are created out of the beautifully designed paper.

Rice Project – This was the first focus of the center. The center grows different types of rice and has a processing center that strips of the rice twice, in order for it to be processed from brown to white. In addition, the “Iron Buffalo” tractor was created as a part of this project in efforts to create a more effective way to sow the rice seeds. The rice husks are then used to form a special renewable energy/fire source.

Algae Research – The project focused on algae research, which resulted in the development of spurlina, an algae-based “super food,” which is high in protein. We had a chance to sample Spurlina Chips, which tasted really good.

Fish Research – A significant amount of research was done on different types of productive fish, including tilapia. In addition, a high protein fish food was created from the Spurlina protein/superfood described above, as well as cow manure.

Honey/Beekeeping – Honey collected from northern Thailand is tested at the center for purity. If the honey is deemed pure, it is then packaged for consumer use. The bee’s wax is then used to create special, very large, candles, which are used in the temples for special ceremonies.

Milk Production – Cows are also kept on the palace grounds, which was had the opportunity to food. The milk put into small cartons and sold to the government, at a reduced rate, to be used in schools.

Fruits and Veggies – The program also focuses on the creation of special juices, some of which are created for public consumption and others which are packaged for impoverished communities and sold at reduced rates.

Overall, the score of the King’s Royal Chitralada Project is incredibly impressive, and I am glad our group had the opportunity to visit in person.

1 comment:

  1. Hi madam,
    Can you send me the email id of Royal Chitralada Project coordinator. I am a research student interested in their activities. My mail is
    Thank you
    Vineeth V Varma
